Jun 26, 2012

DIY Projetc: Earrings

There's no secret how much i love accessories & the bigger the better, pleaseee!
Long time ago my mom went through a jewelry obsessive period (& i was sooo mad, right? JA!).
First (obviously) she experienced doing earrings & stuff to me, suddenly she was all an expert!
A few months ago i wanted to show you an easy DIY project, my mom has made several similar designs especially with buttons (my idea). Recently i visited a mall & i got lost between such beauties featuring a jewelry store. You can try & design as much as you want & have fun with a tight or a lot of budget.

No es secreto para nadie cuanto adoro los accesorios y entre más grandes mejor, por favor!
Hace algún tiempo mi mamá entró en una fase obsesiva por la bisutería (y yo muuuuy enojada verdad?) Primero (obviamente) experimentó haciendo cosas para mí y de repente ya era toda una experta!
Hace días quería mostrarles un simple "hazlo tú misma" proyecto, mi mamá me ha hecho ya varios diseños parecidos especialmente con botones. Recientemente hice una visita a un centro comercial y me dejé llevar por las piedras que ofrecía un local de bisutería. Pueden probar tanto como ustedes deseen, con poco o mucho presupuesto!

What you need  /   Qué necesitas  

- A pair of stones (depends on the design you want), Personally i was looking a pair of wood earrings & on the other hand i'm madly in love with everything that has nacre <3.
- Silver / Gold bases for earrings

- Glue (there's a special one for this type of proyects, you'll need to ask on the jewelry store)

- Un par de piedras (depende del diseño que quieras), personalmente andaba en busca de algo con madera y lo encontré! También me vuelvo loca con todo lo referente a concha nácar <3
- Bases para pendientes ya sea en plata o en oro.
- Pegamento (hay un tipo especial de pegamento para este tipo de proyectos, tendrás que preguntar en la tienda de bisutería).

The process / El proceso

As easy as sound, the only thing you need to do is paste the bases to the stones, let them dry enough & Voilà!

Tan fácil como suena, lo único que debes hacer es pegar las bases a las piedras, dejarlas secar lo suficiente y ya!

See ya´!

Jun 25, 2012


Hey guys! I've been missing so much my blog, a lot of things are happening around me these days & i'm pretty happy & excited about the future.
So, what's new? I have a new addiction: Instagram. You can search & follow me as heydisworld.
What to expect? A LOT of food & of course FASHION.

'Til next time <3

1 & 2 ~ Having a good time drinking coffee & eating a strawberry & cream cheese crepe.
3 ~ Wearing my lovely H&M(thrift) top.
4 ~ Wearing a Juicy Couture (thrift) top.
5 ~Playing chinese checkers
6 ~ My "empanada" from Pan de Pueblo
7 ~ Playing poker with friends (other addiction)
8 ~ MY FAVORITE FRIDAY'S PLATE: Garlic Cilantro Fish <3 <3 <3 Thank you BFF Castellanos!
9 ~ Yesterday i finished "To Selena with love" by Chris Pérez. I'm a huge fan of Selena's. Reading this book showed me that last piece i was missing from her, the married & happy Selena.

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